Code Playground
Information window
( outside of iframe )
num1 - num3 set focus to html, css or js editor
num4 - num6 html, css, js size preset
num7 - num9 html, css, js on off
1 - 5 layout size presets
7 - 0 left, top, right, bottom view
num+ font size presets
num- font size presets
w autoupdate
r update frame
x settings
d add new file
c export current project
m iframe ruler
n iframe width meter (click to swap px em)
j Js Lint
k Css Lint
t inlet color picker
y inlet slider
g run/stop css code player
h preview window
f full screen (no header & footer)
f11 codemirror editor full screen
Shift + Ctrl + a wrap with abbreviation
Ctrl + q fold
Ctrl + Alt + Right next edit point
Ctrl + Alt + Left previous edit point
Shift + Ctrl + y evaluate math expression
Ctrl + Up increment number by 1
Ctrl + Down decrement number by 1
Ctrl + Alt + Up increment number by 0.1
Ctrl + Alt + Down decrement number by 0.1
Shift + Ctrl + Up increment number by 10
Shift + Ctrl + Down decrement number by 10
Ctrl + b reflect CSS value
Ctrl + g find next
Shift + Ctrl + g find previous
Shift + Ctrl + f replace
Shift + Ctrl + r replace all
Alt + f Persistent search (dialog doesn't autoclose, enter to find next, Shift + Enter to find previous)
Alt + g jump to line
Ctrl + d select next occurrence
Alt + Left go subword left
Alt + Right go subword right
Ctrl + Up scroll up
Ctrl + Down scroll down
Shift + Ctrl + l split selection by line
Shift + Tab indent less
Shift + Ctrl + l split selection by line
Ctrl + l select line
Shift + Ctrl + k remove line
Ctrl + Enter insert line after
Shift + Ctrl + Enter insert line before
Alt + Ctrl + Up add cursor to prev line
Alt + Ctrl + Down add cursor to next line
Shift + Ctrl + Space select scope
Shift + Ctrl + m select between brackets
Ctrl + m go to bracket
Shift + Ctrl + Up swap line up
Shift + Ctrl + Down swap line down
Ctrl + / toggle comment
Ctrl + j join lines
Alt + j join all lines
Shift + Ctrl + d duplicate lines
F9 sort lines
Ctrl + F9 sort lines insensitive
F2 next bookmark
Shift + F2 prev bookmark
Ctrl + F2 toggle bookmark
Shift + Ctrl + F2 clear bookmarks
Alt + F2 select bookmarks
Ctrl + k Ctrl + Space set sublime bookmark
Ctrl + k Ctrl + a select to sublime bookmark
Ctrl + k Ctrl + x swap with sublime bookmark
Ctrl + k Ctrl + g clear sublime bookmarks
Shift + Ctrl + [ fold
Shift + Ctrl + ] unfold
Ctrl + k Ctrl + j unfold all
Ctrl + k Ctrl + k remove line right
Ctrl + k Ctrl + Backspace remove line left
Ctrl + k Ctrl + u upcase at cursor
Ctrl + k Ctrl + l downcase at cursor
Ctrl + k Ctrl + c show in center
Shift + Ctrl + F3 find over
Ctrl + F3 find under
Alt + F3 find under all
Ctrl + h replace
F3 find next
Shift + F3 find prev
keywords fullscreen, preview, notopbar, min, right, left, top, bottom, nohtml, nocss, nojs, htmlonly, cssonly, jsonly, playcss, play
Tihomir Selak
( outside of iframe )
shift + alt +
layout resize with keyboard arrows
shift + alt +
num1 - num3 set focus to html, css or js editor
num4 - num6 html, css, js size preset
num7 - num9 html, css, js on off
1 - 5 layout size presets
7 - 0 left, top, right, bottom view
num+ font size presets
num- font size presets
w autoupdate
r update frame
x settings
d add new file
c export current project
m iframe ruler
n iframe width meter (click to swap px em)
j Js Lint
k Css Lint
t inlet color picker
y inlet slider
g run/stop css code player
h preview window
f full screen (no header & footer)
f11 codemirror editor full screen
expand abbreviation
Shift + Ctrl + a wrap with abbreviation
Ctrl + q fold
Ctrl + Alt + Right next edit point
Ctrl + Alt + Left previous edit point
Shift + Ctrl + y evaluate math expression
Ctrl + Up increment number by 1
Ctrl + Down decrement number by 1
Ctrl + Alt + Up increment number by 0.1
Ctrl + Alt + Down decrement number by 0.1
Shift + Ctrl + Up increment number by 10
Shift + Ctrl + Down decrement number by 10
Ctrl + b reflect CSS value
Ctrl + f
start searching
Ctrl + g find next
Shift + Ctrl + g find previous
Shift + Ctrl + f replace
Shift + Ctrl + r replace all
Alt + f Persistent search (dialog doesn't autoclose, enter to find next, Shift + Enter to find previous)
Alt + g jump to line
Ctrl + q
wrap lines
Ctrl + d select next occurrence
Alt + Left go subword left
Alt + Right go subword right
Ctrl + Up scroll up
Ctrl + Down scroll down
Shift + Ctrl + l split selection by line
Shift + Tab indent less
Shift + Ctrl + l split selection by line
Ctrl + l select line
Shift + Ctrl + k remove line
Ctrl + Enter insert line after
Shift + Ctrl + Enter insert line before
Alt + Ctrl + Up add cursor to prev line
Alt + Ctrl + Down add cursor to next line
Shift + Ctrl + Space select scope
Shift + Ctrl + m select between brackets
Ctrl + m go to bracket
Shift + Ctrl + Up swap line up
Shift + Ctrl + Down swap line down
Ctrl + / toggle comment
Ctrl + j join lines
Alt + j join all lines
Shift + Ctrl + d duplicate lines
F9 sort lines
Ctrl + F9 sort lines insensitive
F2 next bookmark
Shift + F2 prev bookmark
Ctrl + F2 toggle bookmark
Shift + Ctrl + F2 clear bookmarks
Alt + F2 select bookmarks
Ctrl + k Ctrl + Space set sublime bookmark
Ctrl + k Ctrl + a select to sublime bookmark
Ctrl + k Ctrl + x swap with sublime bookmark
Ctrl + k Ctrl + g clear sublime bookmarks
Shift + Ctrl + [ fold
Shift + Ctrl + ] unfold
Ctrl + k Ctrl + j unfold all
Ctrl + k Ctrl + k remove line right
Ctrl + k Ctrl + Backspace remove line left
Ctrl + k Ctrl + u upcase at cursor
Ctrl + k Ctrl + l downcase at cursor
Ctrl + k Ctrl + c show in center
Shift + Ctrl + F3 find over
Ctrl + F3 find under
Alt + F3 find under all
Ctrl + h replace
F3 find next
Shift + F3 find prev
keywords fullscreen, preview, notopbar, min, right, left, top, bottom, nohtml, nocss, nojs, htmlonly, cssonly, jsonly, playcss, play
Tihomir Selak
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